Indie developers Storm Isle Productions is nearing completion on their kickstarter and need your help.

Storm Isle Productions, based out of West Virginia, has taken their love of the real time strategy game NetStorm: Islands at War and are working to expand the mythos in their indie game, Disiples of the Storm, working with Netstorm’s original talents, Jim Greer, Beverly Garland, and artist Morgan Ogburn.

As of Sunday night they have four days to complete their kickstarter but are lacking a little over half of their $50,000 goal.  That’s where y’all come in.  If you are a fan of the original RTS Netstorm then you will enjoy this game just as much.

You can check out their Kickstarter page here, their company website here, and a link to the cinelinx article here

If you are on mobile and don’t have flash you can download the episode here.

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