Toy Review Tuesday: SDCC Exclusive Devastator Part 1 & 2

Finally getting around to reviewing my SDCC Devastator and I’m going to be doing it in parts so expect reviews all week. This is the best combiner that they’ve made in this new Combiner Wars Series. So first up we’re taking a look at Scrapper and Mixmaster who form the feet of the big bot. Expect a big time review of this later this week.

Toy Review Tuesday is your spot for reviews on the latest toys and collectibles that you care about.  We examine how they’re built, the quality of the sculpt, and whether or not it’s something that’s worth your attention!  Be sure to check back with us every Tuesday for all new reviews.  

For all the latest news in the world of geek (from toys to comics and more) be sure to hit up our official Geek Approved page on the site!

-Jason the X


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