Amazon’s highly anticipated animated video game anthology series, Secret Level released worldwide on December 10th and if it’s opening short is any indication of the level of story telling, and animation fans can expect from each of the short stories the series tells, then I am 100% absolutely here for it.
Secret Level’s opening shot to introduce the series is a 15 minute short inspired...
The Game Awards has arrived and promises some exciting reveals and, hopefully, some actual awards to give out. Watch it all live right here!
Crazy to think The Game Awards is turning 10 this year, and by all accounts, Geoff Keighley and crew are looking to make it something special. With plenty of buzz about some major reveals, many are wondering what could be in...
While we got our first trailer for the new animated adpatation of the classic Death of Superman story, today gives fans a release date, box art, and blu-ray details to enjoy. Come inside to take a gander!