Amazon’s highly anticipated animated video game anthology series, Secret Level released worldwide on December 10th and if it’s opening short is any indication of the level of story telling, and animation fans can expect from each of the short stories the series tells, then I am 100% absolutely here for it.
Secret Level’s opening shot to introduce the series is a 15 minute short inspired...
The Game Awards has arrived and promises some exciting reveals and, hopefully, some actual awards to give out. Watch it all live right here!
Crazy to think The Game Awards is turning 10 this year, and by all accounts, Geoff Keighley and crew are looking to make it something special. With plenty of buzz about some major reveals, many are wondering what could be in...
In this brand new episode of TFGP, Eric, Matt and Mike talk about their first couple of weeks with the Nintendo Switch and the awesomeness that is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
It’s a big cast party time for this brand-spanking-new episode of TFGP. In this awesome episode, Kyle discusses his current obsession with For Honor, and Eric goes downer with his thoughts about the pre-launch info on the Nintendo Switch. Get ready for a big party chat with the cast of The Fathergamer Podcast.
In this episode of TFGP, Eric, Ransom, Kyle and Mike dive deep into a 100% WTF News episode. From sex theme parks to squirrel attacks at a senior center, we cover some of the wildest WTF stories in the past few months.
In this episode of TFGP, Eric, Kyle, Ransom, Wyatt, and a spider were out at the midnight release of Pokemon Sun and Moon. They talk Pokemon and other nerdy stuff.
Welcome to a very special episode of The Fathergamer Podcast. As the show's producer and personal friend of The Fathergamer I know Eric had a rough year and needed some cheering up.
In this Special Edition of The Fathergamer Podcast, Katy, Ransom and Eric discuss some of their recent gaming shenanigans while getting their nerdy on at The Brazos Valley Comic Con (STX)