As a lot of you know, I have always been a huge fan of the Mortal Kombat series almost all my life. No matter the game, the entire franchise is very near and dear to my heart. Of course, there is another series that is just as gory and glorious as Mortal Kombat and that is DOOM.
One thing that both franchises have in common is the amount of history they have in the gaming world. Both games were made over 20 years ago and have always been known for the intense violence, fast gameplay, and of course badass music. Sounds like a match made in gaming heaven right?
Well, during QuakeCon we sat down with id Software’s Marty Stratton & Hugo Martin…and from what we can tell Marty is all for the DOOM Slayer heading to Mortal Kombat or even Super Smash Bros. and FATALLY taking out everyone on the roster! We definitely suggest you watch the full interview after you see this clip! Please make sure to check back here for more coverage from QuakeCon 2019!