Tag: AOC

AOC Reveals First Monitor in Their Premium AGON Line


This morning, AOC has revealed the first in a new line of premium HDR gaming monitors, coming with FreeSync2 and other features gamers will enjoy.

AOC Partners With F. A. Porsche for Sleek New Monitors


If you're looking for a sleekly designed new monitor for your PC setup, you need look no further than the latest releases from AOC.  They've launced two new displays with the aid of design studio F. A. Porsche...Come inside to learn more and check them out!

AOC Releases New 40-inch 4K UHD Monitor


AOC has just launched a new 4K monitor that is sure to take your PC experience to the next level!  Come inside to check it out!

Feel the Dark Side with Revenge of the Sixth Toy Reveals

Celebrate "Revenge of the Sixth" with some new, villainous-themed, toy reveals from Hasbro and LEGO! If you haven't had enough Star Wars goodies to...
