Terry Matalas Gives Marvel’s Vision Series New Life

Marvel has enlisted Star Trek Picard‘s Terry Matalas as showrunner for their Vision series, which they hope to release in 2026.

Looks like we’ll be seeing more of Vision before too long. Today, thanks to an exclusive report from Variety, brings word that Marvel has hired Terry Matalas (after his impressive work with Star Trek Picard) to serve as the showrunner for a new Vision series.

Paul Bettany is set to return as the titular character, in a new story that takes place following the events of WandaVision. In the show’s finale, the resurrected “White Vision” regained his memories and fled the battle with his former self. Fans have been wondering ever since what happened next with the character.

A Vision Quest series had been announced as in development a couple years ago, but it sounds like development stuttered as they focused on the Agatha All Along spin-off instead. This explains why we haven’t heard a peep about the series since that initial announcement, as it sounds like whatever Matalas is doing with it, is going to be different. Considering Variety only refers to it as “Untitled” I also wouldn’t expect the Vision Quest name to stick around.

Regardless, sure sounds like Matalas has cracked the story and everyone is happy, as Marvel is targeting a 2026 release for the upcoming show. That means they’ll have to get to filming relatively soon. Until then, we still have Agatha All Along to look forward to in September!

What do you hope to see out of this new Vision show?

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Jordan Maison
Editor-in-Chief: Writer and cartoonist who went to college for post-production, he now applies his love of drawing, movie analysis, filmmaking, video games, and martial arts into writing.