Tag: Jason The X

Insomniac Tried To Make Resistance 4, PlayStation Said No Thanks

With Sony’s lack of PS5 exclusive titles, you would think they would be greenlighting a few more games, especially from a studio that has had multiple blockbusters. Sony has been shamed for shutting down productions of games like Days Gone 2 and a few other titles, but you would think one studio had a little more leeway in terms of greenlighting major franchises. Insomniac has...

Super Bowl 2025: Big Game Trailer Round-Up

The big game brings plenty of new trailers for upcoming projects, and here we've rounded them all up in one convenient spot! The week leading up to Super Bowl LIX has already been packed with new trailers and TV spots connected to the big game; and there are even more expected during the event itself this weekend. To make life easier, we're rounding them...

Toy Review Tuesday: Pursuit of Cobra Snake-Eyes with Bonus Review

So because I don't have anything new this week due to delivery people screwing me over and being lazy I thought we could take a look back at the first review I ever did for Youtube. Now one thing I love is G.I. Joe figures. I pretty much have the majority of the new line in my collection but as of late G.I. Joe has really dropped off.

Toy Review Tuesday: S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Mach and Ride Macher

Hey guys it's Toy Review Tuesday time and I've got the S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Mach and his Ride Macher. It's no secret I dig the show Kamen Rider Drive and these figures are incredibly well done, doing justice to the TV series.  Come inside to find out why!

Picks From The Rack June 18th 2015

On this weeks comic book review I take a look at
Old Man Logan #2
Secret Six #3
Ms. Marvel #16
Black Canary #1
Mad Max Fury Road #1 Furiosa

Toy Review Tuesday: Clearly Not Cohesive

If it's a review day like this it means I'm getting caught up. So here's a look at Combiner Wars Optimus, two Spider-Men, and a pretty sailor gaurdian. Or the ultimate team-up in some nerd's eyes.

Picks From The Rack: Darth Vader, Convergence, Spider-Man 2099 & More!

DC's big Convergence event has started and this week's new episode of Picks From the Rack takes a look at a couple issues from the series, plus the latest goings-on with our favorite wall-crawlers, and lots more.  Come inside to watch!

Tuesday Toy Review: Marvel Legends Menagerie

The latest wave of Marvel Legends figures have taken over our latest episode of Toy Review Tuesday, so come inside to check out our thoughts on the new figures and why we can't stop buying them! 

Toy Review Wednesday: Masterpiece Star Saber

Okay I know I'm a day late but it's for a good reason. Thanks to a certain delivery service this got to me a few days late but this folks is one of my grail Transformers. 

Toy Review Tuesday: MMPR Legacy White Tigerzord

Finally getting around to this guy and he is a great addition to this line. Compared to the first Megazord this is a great improvement on engineering and just a reall homage to the origianl piece. Check out the video below and next week I hope to have my holy grail of Transformers finally realized in Masterpiece form.

Picks From The Rack – SHIELD, Darth Vader, Spider-Gwen & More!

I'm back with my comic picks for the week. So many good ones this week I actually had a hard time picking. Don't blame me that they were alll Marvel! As always if you have suggestions let me know in the comments.

Toy Review Tuesday: MMPR Legacy Saba

It's once again time for a big time review. This Saba is a 1:1 scale of the sword used by the White Ranger in the American series Mighty Morphine Power Ranger and the Kiba Ranger in the Japanese series DaiRanger. What can I say ths feels more ike a prop than a toy and at the 100 dollar price you're getting what you paid for. 

Toy Review Tuesday: Transformers Combiner Wars Aerialbots

This week's all new Toy Review Tuesday brings in four of the new Combiner Wars line for Transformers.  Come inside to check out our thoughts on the new line from Hasbro and whether or not you should be checking them out!

Picks From The Rack January 28th 2015

This week we take a look at Thor #4

Deadpool #41

Spider-Man 2099 #8

Uncanny Avengers #1

and sadly Wolverines #4