The Acolyte Moves Star Wars into a Thrilling New Era of...

After watching the first four episodes of the latest Star Wars live-action series, The Acolyte, I'm even more excited about the future of the...

A Captivating Story Driven Game | Indika Review

A captivating story that questions your beliefs, Indika is a story driven experience so good, you’ll wish it was longer. What is Indika? That is...

Stellar Blade Lives Up To The Name | Review

Stellar Blade is a mind blowing adventure that does almost everything right, exceedingly well. When Stellar Blade was first revealed during a showcase, I wasn’t...

Absolutely Terrifying, MADiSON Returns | MADiSON VR Review

MADiSON returns and this time it’s putting you literally in the shoes of Luca via your VR headset. Terrifying is not a strong enough...

Happy Funland Puts A Fun Adult Twist On Theme Parks |...

Happy Funland is the perfect blend of adult cartoon humor and magic, which creates one of the most perfect VR experiences yet. Many games have...

Alone In The Dark: Review | An Interesting Return To A...

Alone In The Dark is a remake of the horror classic that does everything exceedingly well. It’s rare when I get totally hyped for a...

The Outlast Trials: Review | Co-Op Survival Horror Is My New...

A terrifying experience with friends that excels at everything it does, The Outlast: Trials proves multiplayer horror can be something great. Of all the horror...

Silent Hill: The Short Message is Missing the Horror of Silent...

Silent Hill: The Short Message potentially shows us the direction the franchise might go, but also seems to not understand what the games are...

Your New Home PS5 Streaming Device – PlayStation Portal Review

Everyone seems to be interested in a hybrid handheld console from Sony, but Sony instead decided to take the home console on-the-go. The PlayStation...

One Of The Best PSVR2 Experiences – Vertigo 2 Review

Vertigo 2 on PSVR2 is exactly why you buy a VR headset. It does nearly everything perfectly, and is quite honestly one of the...

Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh Black Series Toy Revealed

Some unexpected toy news during the Star Wars publishing panel at SDCC offers fans their first look at the toy based on Vernestra Rwoh! The...
