Kelly McInerney

Insomniac Tried To Make Resistance 4, PlayStation Said No Thanks

With Sony’s lack of PS5 exclusive titles, you would think they would be greenlighting a few more games, especially from a studio that has had multiple blockbusters. Sony has been shamed for shutting down productions of games like Days Gone 2 and a few other titles, but you would think one studio had a little more leeway in terms of greenlighting major franchises. Insomniac has...

SXSW Interview with the Cast and Writer/Director of Family

Family debuted at SXSW last week and it's a funny, honest, and refreshing film centered around strong leading ladies. It serves as a reminder that women can own a film too and it doesn't have to be one of those boring romcoms. We sat down with some of the cast along with writer/director Laura Steinel to discuss the film.

SXSW Review: Most Likely to Murder

Genre mixing in films have become more and more frequent thanks to the wildly and well-deserved success of Get Out. Most Likely to Murder...

SXSW Review: The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter

Danny McBride and Jody Hill are a comedy powerhouse team that have been creating creating comedy cult hits like the film The Foot-Fist Way...

SXSW Review: A Vigilante

There is a movement going on in Hollywood lately and that movement is women taking over. With movements like “Time's Up” and “#metoo” we...

Everything Comes Down to Poop — A Chat with the Sklar Brothers and Their New Documentary “Poop Talk”

Comedy comes in all shapes and sizes and some can be...a little shitty? Well at least when we're referencing the Sklar Brothers' new documentary Poop Talk. Cinelinx had the change to speak to the brothers about their upcoming film. The documentary revolves around exactly that: poop. Randy and Jason Sklar interviewed over 50 comedians and comedic actors about the topic, including themselves. Those familiar with the Sklar brothers comedy may be curious as to why they decided to do a fecal-centric documentary because they're not known for their blue (or should we say brown?) humor. Their pal, writer/director of the film, Aaron N. Feldman, proposed the idea to them and they had to think about it. “We had our own reservations,” explained Randy Sklar, “we thought about it then went back to him and said here's the movie we want to make – smart, honest discussion with funny friends...mixed in with scientists that give the information and we make a funny, smart, high brow – as much as we can – documentary about a difficult, taboo subject.” So Poop Talk was born.

Minority Retort: Garden State was Great!

Welcome back to another installment of Minority Retort, sure we've only had one so far and it's been nearly a year but what can I say? Most of 2017 is correct with their entertainment-related opinions. YES, Wonder Woman is great. YES, Riverdale is a cheesy but addictive and perfect teen drama. But what is wrong? What are you all wrong about?


Well, we have to go back, back to the year 2004 when the Governator ruled California, people were quoting Napoleon Dynamite nonstop, and Facebook was born. 2004 was also the year that a little indie gem called Garden State was released. Garden State was Zach Braff's directorial and writing debut – aside from directing several “Scrubs” episodes. It was praised by critics but, unfortunately, man people I know and many mainstream movie watchers cannot stand it. Is it Zach Braff's attitude? Is it the melodic indie soundtrack? Well, they are all wrong because this movie rules. 

SXSW Interview with The Most Hated Woman in America’s writer/director Tommy O’Haver

The Most Hated Woman in America is a Netflix original movie that will premiere on March 24th. The film had it's premiere at SXSW just this past week and Cinelinx's Kelly McInerney had the chance to talk to Tommy O'Haver the writer and director of the film.


A Guide to SXSW.

SXSW has passed but it was my first year and I had the time of my life. I know festivals can be pretty intimidating though, especially if it's your first time going to a large one like SXSW. In order to help you out, I wrote a mini guide to the festival if you happen to go next year. Keep in mind though, this is for the movie weekend as I didn't go to the music weekend.

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7 Chinese Brothers

Bob Byington's 7 Chinese Brothers tells the story of Larry (played by Jason Schwartzman), a 30-something slacker who likes alcohol and his dog more than getting a career and finding love. He's stuck in life and just trying to figure it out.

SXSW Interview: Jamie Babbit and Karey Dornetto Talk Fresno

Fresno is writer Karey Dornetto and director Jamie Babbit's first film collaboration and hopefully not the last. It is a crime comedy that tells the dysfunctional story of two sisters Shannon (played by Judy Greer) a registered sex offender fresh out of rehab and her bright and shiny yet unintentionally enabling sister Martha (played by Natasha Lyonne). When an accidental death occurs the sisters are stuck trying to figure out how to get rid of it or suffer the consequences. Cinelinx sat down with both Babbit and Dornetto to discuss the film.



As Melissa McCarthy films go they can be hit or miss, the one factor that almost guarantees the film is going to be pretty excellent is when mastermind Paul Feig is behind it. Thus, Spy does not disappoint. A refreshing take on McCarthy's humor, McCarthy plays a desk agent turned secret agent spy who has to go undercover and save the day. With so many surprises both gross-out, kick-butt, and storyline wise this film is sure to keep you 110% entertained throughout it's entirety.

Interview with Unexpected director/writer Kris Swanberg

Unexpected is writer/director Kris Swanberg's third film. It tells the tale of a Chicago high school teacher, Samantha (played by Cobie Smulders) who becomes pregnant around the same time as one of her students and a relationship forms. Cinelinx sat down with the Swanberg at SXSW to discuss the film and the new way that Swanberg decided to create it.
