Tag: Cinelinx Games

Insomniac Tried To Make Resistance 4, PlayStation Said No Thanks

With Sony’s lack of PS5 exclusive titles, you would think they would be greenlighting a few more games, especially from a studio that has had multiple blockbusters. Sony has been shamed for shutting down productions of games like Days Gone 2 and a few other titles, but you would think one studio had a little more leeway in terms of greenlighting major franchises. Insomniac has...

Super Bowl 2025: Big Game Trailer Round-Up

The big game brings plenty of new trailers for upcoming projects, and here we've rounded them all up in one convenient spot! The week leading up to Super Bowl LIX has already been packed with new trailers and TV spots connected to the big game; and there are even more expected during the event itself this weekend. To make life easier, we're rounding them...

Wizards of the Coast Reveals New Transformers Trading Card Game

Get ready to rollout in an all new way with a new Transformers TCG. Wizards of the Coast have revealed more details on the game along with how to snag an early look at SDCC. come inside to learn more!

The Fathergamer Podcast #30

The latest episode the Fathergamer podcast sees the crew talking about the games they enjoyed the most in 2013 and why they were so fun and exciting.  As we look forward to 2014 and all the great gaming experiences we've yet to enjoy, it's important to remember all the industry produced in previously.


[Update] Double Fine’s Broken Age: Kickstarter-backers to receive the game tomorrow!

[Update: Looks like they've announced a release date for everyone else now!] Kickstarter-backers of Broken Age are in for a treat as they are due to recieve the game tomorrow. With a large fanbase following Double Fine's Kickstarter project, Broken Age is expected to be a huge hit.

Gadget Review: KontrolFreeks FPS Freek Phantom Analog Stick Adapters for the PS4

Let’s start off this review by saying that I never thought that two little pieces of plastic would be any help to my FPS prowess. It’s not that I thought that KontrolFreeks FPS Freek Phantom analog stick adapters would be the worst thing since spray-on hair, but it was more of an indifference. I have to say that these two little pieces have rocked my FPS world in a way that I didn’t think was possible. Aliens landing on Earth would have made less of an impact on me than this. Well, maybe….but let’s get onto the review.

5 Things Mario Kart Can Teach Us About Life

Its not suprising that playing games can teach us a thing or two about life. Mario Kart is particularly brutal and fun, in this editorial we take 5 things this leviathan of a racer can teach us about the real world.

The Fathergamer Podcast #29 – Michael Mendheim Speaks!

This week on TFGP, Eric and Jordan welcome Michael Mendheim, the creator of the original Mutant League Football game on the SNES and Genesis to the show.  Inside Michael talks about what he's working on, what games he's playing (or not playing), and dishes on what he learned from his recent unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign to reboot the retro franchise.  Come inside to hear what this gaming legend has to say!

Hands-On With World of Tanks 360 (Preview)

My experience with the 360 version of the immensely popular PC phenomenon, World of Tanks 360, has been extremely enjoyable so far. The battles can be a little slower than the average shooter, but the trade off is a real sense of strategy. From choosing the right upgrade or making sure you shoot out your enemy’s treads, strategy is the only way to really survive these WWll battlefields.

Beyond: Two Souls Is One of The Most Brilliant Games Made (Review)

When Beyond: Two Souls was first announced, I was rather unsure what it really was. They were marketing it as an action oriented title, then slowly crept into it being a story driven title. Luckily they showcased the story driven part more and I became interested in it. This is what the game is, a long story that will make you go through emotions at the snap of a finger. It has its hiccups, but the game should go down in the books as one of the best titles ever made.

Rated: Madden NFL 25 (Video) Review

The NFL may be back on the TV, but gamers and fans the world over have been delving into the world of Madden already in order to get their football fix.  Come inside to check out our video review of the latest entry in the celebrated franchise to see whether or not this update is worth picking up.

Preview: Hearthstone – Blizzard’s Card Game Enters the Digital Realm

The Beta for Blizzard's new card game expansion to World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, is in full swing.  We here at Cinelinx got the chance to spend ample time with the beta in order to bring you our impressions on the upcoming game, and whether or not you should be excited for it.  Come inside to see our early thoughts!

Rated: Metal Gear Solid: Legacy Collection – Servicing the Fans

Metal Gear Solid fans have a brand new collection to drool over, in the MGS: Legacy Collection, which brings together just about every Metal Gear game currently in existence.  While the new collection doesn’t add anything we haven’t gotten before, in terms of gameplay, it features some other extras specific to this set.  Is it enough to justify the purchase for fans?  Come inside to check our review and find out.

Bioshock Infinite Review: Solid but not Quite Revolutionary

The highly anticipated Bioshock Infinite hit stores finally last week to generally positive reviews.  Does the game live up to the hype as well as the legacy of its predecessor?  It's definitely worth playing through, but it's not quite as revolutionary as most reviews would suggest.  Come inside to check out our thoughts on Irrational Games' latest.