Recapturing your gaming past doesn’t always work out as shown in this week’s new Focal Point comic strip!
I know there are plenty of gamers out there who don’t particularly care for the “age of remasters” we’re currently in with gaming. I, however, absolutely love it. While not every remaster is good, the vast majority of them manage to recapture the classic experience while letting newer generations play for the first time. Sadly, they can also be a reminder that our glory days might not be what we remember….
To be honest, this can apply to a NUMBER of recent remasters, which is why I didn’t get more specific. The two games I had in mind while drawing, however, were the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater remake, and the recent release of Super Mario 3D All-Stars.
I love all of these games, and the experience is captured impressively in both…but I can’t decide if I’ve ALWAYS sucked at these games (especially Super Mario 64) or I’ve just gotten older and unable to keep up. It definitely doesn’t hinder my enjoyment of these games, but sure makes me question my skills!
It has been incredibly fun to enjoy these games with my kids, however. The older ones in the house are about the same age I was when Tony Hawk first launched. As such, I’ve been able to watch them play and have fun in the same way I did all those years ago. For Mario, I get to enjoy their shared frustration!
Hope you enjoyed this week’s comic! If you did, be sure to check our last comic strip as well as all the previous ones! Also, you can hit up our YouTube Channel where we’re starting to post speed videos of how the comics are drawn.