The Fathergamer Interviews: Tom Beardsmore of Coatsink

Don’t worry folks, TFGP isn’t going anywhere. You can still get your weekly fill of fandom and fart jokes, but I felt the need to expand a bit and create a little place in the growing Fathergamer Productions lineup where I can interview some awesome people in today’s society.

In this new show, I plan to interview people from the worlds of gaming, movies, television, comics, music and I might even slip in a few scientists and political figures here and there.I want to figure out the what, why’s, how’s, and dig into their creative process and see what sets them apart from everyone else.  Today, I’m kicking things off with Tom Beardsmore, one of the founders of the game company Coatsink:

Direct Link

I would love to give a giant TFGP thanks to Tom and the rest of the talented group at Coatsink.

Be sure to check out their website as well as their Twitter Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Thanks for listening, and be sure to add your thoughts to this episode’s topics using the comment section below, and if you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe to us on iTunes, to make sure you get all the latest and can listen on the go.

Until next time, Achieve Greatness!

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