Star Wars: The High Republic – Tales of Light and Life...

The latest Star Wars anthology from Disney Books brings new short stories from The High Republic to fill the gaps between all phases with...

This Is Not Farewell – The Finale of The High Republic...

We discuss navigating queer estrangement as we dive into the finale of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (Phase II). Content Warning: queerphobic violence, suicide...

Morality of Space Pirates in The High Republic Adventures

We're talking space pirates and morality in the galaxy far, far away as we dive into a pivotal relationship of Star Wars: The High...

Understanding Community In The High Republic Adventures

We're diving deep into issue #6 of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (Phase II) and how it hammers home the theme about differences...

Star Wars: The High Republic: Convergence – Book Review

Set generations before Light of the Jedi and from acclaimed author Zoraida Córdova, comes Convergence, the next adventure in Phase Two of the High...

Star Wars: The High Republic – Path of Deceit Sets the...

Star Wars: The High Republic returns this week with the launch of Path of Deceit, which gives Phase II a thrilling start. The High Republic...

Star Wars: The High Republic – Tempest Runner is a Fun,...

This week sees the release of a brand new Star Wars audio drama, this time set in the days of The High Republic offering...

New Star Wars: The High Republic Merchandise Available Now

The High Republic returns with the next wave of books arriving today, but Star Wars fans have some shirts to grab as well! You all...

Star Wars: The High Republic – Light of the Jedi Spoiler...

We dive deep into The High Republic: Light of the Jedi to breakdown what the initial novel brings to the story, the Easter eggs,...

5 Favorite Jedi From The High Republic

As part of our week-long celebration of Star Wars: The High Republic, we're breaking down the best new Jedi characters. One of the more...

Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh Black Series Toy Revealed

Some unexpected toy news during the Star Wars publishing panel at SDCC offers fans their first look at the toy based on Vernestra Rwoh! The...
